Ive been playing for awhile and decided to write a review because of how much I love this game. Waiting like a day to continue the story wasnt as bad as I thought it was; it just makes me anticipate the story even more. But if you are impatient it will be very irritating. And I am in love with Johannes. Hes so childish, its adorable. I also love how the MC doesnt take his crap (especially in the second story lol) and is very mature. I didnt like her so much in Mikes route because it felt like she was being stepped on all over by him just to please him. But anyway its a very good game, and I also like how its very long. I am still not finished with Johannes and nowhere near finishing Mike. Plus there are even more routes go through which I havent even touched. Its a very enjoyable game to pass time
Cecilia the gR8 about Dating Sims My Forbidden love